Do You Need to Get a Permit for a New Electric Gate?

electric gates installed new home permit

In most areas, getting a new gate actually requires a building permit. So, in order to install a brand new electric gate, it stands to reason that the same thing will be true. Of course, it’s not the same in every area, so let’s take a look at how you can find out about these details that so often get overlooked.

Most of the time, you can find specific documents on your city’s website which will tell you a lot about when a building permit is required and how to get one. Alternatively, you could find the information on the website itself, and you might even be able to get some help if you call the number to talk to one of your local officials or to a representative in charge of speaking to the public.

However, your best way to find out about the specific details of your area is to talk to the contractor that does electric gates install for you. They will already know where to look, and they’ll be able to advise you on what permits you need and where you have to look at the specific details and rules associated with switching to an advanced, hi-tech gate for your property.

When you install a new gate without a building permit – especially while adding advanced features and electronics that would greatly enhance the function of your gate – you could easily get in trouble. So make sure you talk to your contractor prior to installing a new gate, and find out if there are any additional local regulations that you’ll have to abide by as well.

Should You Rely on Your Gate Company to Tell You About City Codes?

rubber stamp dependable services gate company

Building codes are typically required and enforced through the county you live in, and they pertain to all the cities and municipalities found within that county. If you live in a city with fewer building codes, you have the benefit of greater freedom when it comes to choosing the specific additions and features of your building or home.

In most cases, the gate company such as Rocky Mountain Access Controls that you hire to install a new gate for you will tell you all about the building codes that you’ll need in your area. However, you should definitely not rely on their help in all cases. It could happen that the company you hire is from a different county, and that they don’t really know – or worse, they give you false information on the required standards.

Your best choice is that, while you ask your gate company about the city codes pertaining to your property and the gate you want to install, you should also ask your city representatives. A simple phone call or a visit to the official website of your city or county should solve a lot of problems before they even appear. That way you’ll know exactly what the city codes have to say about your project and how to make the right decisions regarding it.

How Do You Find the City Guidelines Necessary for Replacing Your Residential Gates?

The various guidelines for installing fences and gates can differ from one area to another. While cities that are stacked together in the same state and geographic area might feature similar rules and regulations, remote cities and towns could have different guidelines for residential gates. Just because you live pretty close to a larger city, it doesn’t mean your town has the same rules.

Some research is necessary to find the exact guidelines for your city, however in most cases you will find an online document that provides you with all the information you need on the official website of your home town. Looking for a gate company near me is always a way to know what the city guidelines are as they keep up with the regulations. The document should contain the various details, guidelines and regulations associated with the standards you have to abide by when erecting your fence or adding a new gate to it.

You might have details associated with the minimum or maximum height of your gate or fence, the distance from a neighboring property or the minimum distance between your gate and your front lawn. Also, you can find valuable information such as whether or not you require a building permit in order to get a new gate. Such details will help a lot, especially if you don’t know what to do when you first entertain the idea of replacing your gate.

What Is the Most Cost-Effective Type of Gate You Can Buy?

cost effective privacy fence security fencing

An affordable gate is a great asset when you’re on a budget and you still want some measure of protection and security while you and your family are living on the property. Of course, you still have to consider which gate would be more suitable for your property to keep intruders out and help maintain your privacy. As such, a very important part of the matter is to do your research and find the best product for the ideal price.

Smaller sized gates are great when you just want to keep animals away and install fences and gates that are welcoming rather than restrictive. Aluminum and wood are typically the materials of choice for these types of gates, and they can be used both within your property as garden gates and at the actual entrance as well.

Wrought iron gates are very sturdy but also surprisingly affordable. Iron is pretty common, and as long as you can settle for a basic design, a wrought iron gate will not cost you a lot of money. Also, these gates are very resilient, so they will last for years and even decades.

Finally, thin privacy gates made out of wood or PVC are also quite affordable. You can get them when security isn’t a huge issue in your area, but you’d still like to keep prying eyes away from your backyard activities. For privacy fences and more see

Considering the Best Hi-Tech Gates to Buy – How Safe Are Automated Gates?

automated gates variety choices residential

Automated gates can be a great idea when you want added convenience and security to be thrown in with the gate you buy. When getting a new gate, you’ll probably be offered an automated gate as a special offer or just as part of something new that the seller you talk to might be bringing to the market.

The idea behind automated gates is fairly simple: you have a gate that is wired to open on its own and fitted with sensors and a communication device – sometimes even capable of interaction through video feeds – which will act as the main method for determining who you should allow to enter. Such gates have been used for years by wealthy families and various organizations for security purposes, but nowadays they are much cheaper and more available to the general population.

The main concern is cost and installation. Can your existing gate be automated? If so, then the price might be significantly lower. However, in many cases experts will recommend a brand new, sturdier automated gate for increased security.

Automated gates are more prevalent and easy to acquire than you might be aware of. Just call on your local contractors and ask them about it. You’ll find that they can even make you an unexpectedly affordable offer to make the best gates available to you.

What Type of Fence Should You Consider Buying for Your New Home?

fence types sliding gate swing

If you just purchased a property, installing a new fence can be a very inspiring choice. However, no matter how beautiful some fences and gates might be, you’ll find that they’re just not the right fit for your house. As such, it’s important to take special notice at the particular qualities and traits of various materials and fencing designs, so you can make an informed choice on which product to buy.

First make sure you establish your budget, the color and general appearance of your slide gate and the function that it should fulfill. Regarding function, you’ll mainly have to consider aesthetics versus privacy and security. Cheaper and less resilient materials can be used if you live in a relatively safe neighborhood, while resilient materials and taller (as a result, more expensive) gates should be reserved for areas where there’s a greater chance of intruders trying to get on your property.

Considering the qualities of each material is essential for deciding which type of fence to get. In most cases, a metal fence is considered to be ideal. Not only will it prevent any issues regarding mold and pests such as termites causing a problem (as with wooden fences), but a metal fence is also much sturdier than most fencing products made of wood or any other product. It can also be adapted for privacy and durability, and it can be ornately and uniquely crafted to suit your aesthetic needs.

Helpful Tips for Properly Maintaining Your Property’s Main Gate

Helpful Tips Property Gate Maintenance Repair

The main gate is the entrance to your property and has to be protected from the elements and from any other sort of damage, not only because of its functional role, but also due to prestige. If you want your home to look impressive and for onlookers to admire your property, you will have to pay extra attention to your gate and make sure that it’s properly taken care of.

Gate damage can take a variety of shapes, depending on the type of gate you own. Wooden gates are some of the most susceptible to damage. Although ornate and beautiful in many cases, a wooden gate can be attacked by termites and other bugs, as well as by elemental powers such as severe rain, wind and hail. If you live in a warmer environment, you also have to pay attention to how humidity and heat can change the constitution and shape of your gate and how sunlight could cause the color to fade over time.

For a metal gate, maintenance has more to do with rust control and occasional painting. Metal is almost impervious to the elements as long as it has a healthy coat of paint to protect it from rusting. It adds to the overall appearance and convenience when a automatic gate opener is installed too.

Finally, you won’t have to do much for other materials such as PVC. However, signs of damage can still be seen following severe rain and hail storms, and PVC can easily be damaged by strong impacts. Look for dents, cracks and other similar problems that could compromise the integrity of your gate even just a few years after it was installed.

What Are the Best Gates for high Security Locations?

gate chain operators security gates

Whether for a regular business or a high security location at a military base, the use of advanced security gates can be extremely important. Businesses need to protect their operations and data, and many government organizations have similar requirements to prevent intruders from entering their premises.

Regardless of why you need them, the good news is that high security gate operators are available for quite a large variety of uses. Some of the best ones are sturdy metal gates. These gates are made from high grade steel, and are designed to be very difficult to penetrate even if there isn’t anyone there and the intruder “only” needs to cut through the gate. Doing that can take a lot of time, and simply isn’t practical for anyone who doesn’t want to get caught.

Probably the best type of gate to buy is one that has advanced technological features to go with a sturdy lock. These gates can be programmed to detect unwanted movement, raise alarms in case an intruder has breached the perimeter and include an integrated intercom system, so you’ll know exactly who is trying to get in and why.

These hi-tech gates are considered to be the best for the highest security locations, and many of them are also fitted with high end surveillance and security systems.

Should You Install Bollards on Your Commercial Property? – Regulations and Tips

Commercial Business Owner What Should I Do Employee Safety Bollard Installation

Installing bollards can be a very lucrative endeavor. Aside from the fact that they provide you with better security and safety on your property, they can also be used to prevent vehicles from finding their way into areas that are restricted. In North America, the use of bollards has been rapidly growing more and more popular in recent years.  

The price is relatively affordable, and bollards are generally quite accessible, so you won’t have a problem when it comes to finding experts who can help you select the right type and design of bollard for your property.

When it comes to planning and regulation, it’s very important to know what type of property you’re installing the bollard on. If it’s on land that belongs to the local council – such as a parking lot outside your building – then you will need to contact the council for permission and to discuss your project thoroughly. However, if the bollards will be installed on your private property, then all you need to do is find an expert who can install them for you and get the project started.

Care must still be taken if you want to install bollards on a rented property. If the property doesn’t belong to you, then you’ll have to get in touch with the landlord and ask for permission, before you begin any kind of work.

How Should You Select an Industrial Gate Style That Helps Your Traffic Flow?

gates barrier traffic flow control security gate

Owning large buildings such as a warehouses or factories even at a remote location can lead to traffic problems. As you aim to maximize your facilities’ efficiency levels, you might find that it will become increasingly more difficult to maintain a streamlined traffic flow. An improperly chosen gate can cause a lot of damage to that flow.

For example, when it comes to opening and closing the system, the need for extended time can slow down procedures to a great extent. If you have a high volume of traffic, certain supply lines might be temporarily cut off, which will lead to a reduction in productivity.

A gate system can also be problematic if it’s not designed to handle clearance and security properly. For instance, you might have a system that requires a complex process for halting and inspecting supply vehicles that are scheduled to enter your property. As such, a careful balance has to be achieved between streamlined flow and proper security with proper gate operators.

Selecting a well-designed industrial gate should be made based on all of these considerations. Even if a new gate system is slightly more expensive, it can turn out to be an excellent investment, if it means better traffic flow and improved productivity.