When to Add Turnstiles to Your Business

Access control systems are versatile and are being used in retail stores, shopping centers, hotels, manufacturing facilities, parking lots, train stations, airports as well as in residential areas. Turnstiles are no exception.

Entrances and exits with turnstiles allow successive visitor entry, thus increasing the level of perimeter security. Traffic is more orderly, relaxed and manageable, in terms of safety. Everyone entering and leaving can be better observed, and security personnel can detect and isolate all hazards in less time. The turnstile mechanism is based on an electromechanical device (usually a drop arm wheel) that allows access in one direction and prevents rotation in the opposite direction. The access through the turnstile is possible by unlocking the rotation/access system by using a proximity card, tag, access control bracelet, etc, on the reading screen.

There are various types of turnstiles, and depending on how you plan to use them, you can choose the right model.

Points of access with turnstiles provide a much higher level of security. In a dynamic work environment with fluctuating numbers of staff and visitors, turnstiles limit the access, so that only authorized people can get the access into the building. Staff and visitor flows put less pressure on security teams, allowing them to be more vigilant in their positions. Turnstiles can also streamline the personnel management system, as they can be used as an employee time tracking tool. 

The Benefits of Installing Slide Gates at Different Levels of Access

Benefits Slide Gate Installation

The use of slide gates by commercial businesses in the Denver area is widespread, and has been around for quite a while. A slide gate has many practical features and benefits, and according to some experts can be used very efficiently at different access points within the premises of a commercial property. If you want to run your own business successfully, you might have a need for these versatile and secure gates.

On your property, the available space for moving around might be somewhat limited. Nevertheless, depending on the layout of the property and on your operations, you might require multiple access points where not everyone would be allowed to pass. Installing slide gates at these levels of access could be a practical solution to ensure that traffic would be streamlined while order can be kept and only authorized personnel can enter various areas.

Slide gates have a lot of important benefits that make them ideal for use as electric gates and automated gates placed at various levels of access. They are highly secure and easy to operate, and most importantly, they do not require a great amount of space to open and close. Because they slide to one side, they can be accessed easily even if someone is blocking the entry.

Is Gate Installation in Denver a Time Consuming Process?

Gate Installation Process Time Electrical

Whether you’re looking for gate automation, or you just want to benefit from a service offering sturdy gate installation in Denver, it is essential to know how long your gate installation project will take. The time it takes to install a gate can vary depending on several factors. These might include the type of gate, the size and complexity of the installation, and the site conditions.

Generally, a basic gate installation Denver area can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the type and size of the gate. More complex installations may take several days to complete, especially when you want a sophisticated locking mechanism or a more complex and advanced approach to gate automation.

Before installation, the site conditions will need to be assessed. If there are any obstacles such as trees, rocks, or uneven terrain, extra time and equipment may be needed to prepare the site for installation. In addition, the type of gate being installed will also affect the installation time. For example, a simple chain-link gate may be relatively quick to install, while a custom iron gate with intricate designs require require more time and effort, as well as specialized equipment.

Overall, gate installation in Denver can be a time-consuming process depending on the specific circumstances of the installation. It is best to consult with a professional gate installer to get a more accurate estimate of the time required for your specific gate installation project, and to ensure that you have the proper support for completing the project without too many challenges and delays.

Typical Applications For Slide Gates

electric gates denver

Sliding gates are those types of gates whose opening is done by sliding. This system requires the gates to be provided with a series of bearings at the base and placed on a rail mounted at ground level. In principle, these gates can be of two types: simple or hinged.

When it comes to a simple sliding gate opener solution,  the actual door is made of a single rigid piece. Thus, in its case, the opening is made along the fence. Hinged sliding doors, on the other hand, are made of several foldable segments. This type of sliding gate can also be opened laterally (forming an angle of up to 90 degrees).

When is it advisable to opt for sliding gates?

In principle, choosing a sliding door is preferable in two situations. First of all, these gates are indicated if the estimated traffic through the gate is medium to intense. As a rule, this scenario applies to commercial properties. The reason behind this suggestion is that sliding gates are usually easier to operate and, more than that, they work great with automation systems.

The second situation, in which experts recommend sliding doors, is to increase security. They are compatible with very efficient security systems. Also, unlike swing gates, whose union at the central point can be easily forced, sliding gates are made of one continuous piece. Considering these two characteristics, they are much more difficult to break into.

What Are the Most Important Features to Get with Your New Automated Gate System?

Important Gate Entry Systems Gates Locks Keypads Options

Automatic gates can be a great addition to your property, especially if you choose to accompany them with highly advanced features. For instance, you may want to go for video camera surveillance to gain some extra safety for you and your family.

With the help of surveillance cameras, you can quickly and easily monitor everything that may happen in front of your main entrance point. At the same time, warning systems and alarms can be some other useful features you can add to your property.

Burglars nowadays keep up with the latest technology in order to cause the automated gates’ malfunction. With no alarm system put into action, occupants may be unaware of the burglars’ attack. A good idea may be to get a very loud alarm system with LED flashing lights.

Remote access may also be useful because homeowners do not expose themselves to malevolent intruders, thus safely remaining in the comfort of their house. There can also be an advanced locking system to complete your new automated gate and make it even more protected. Card readers or keypad locks can be valid options for gate entry systems for those who want to boost their level of safety while also keeping up with latest innovations.

Can Swing Gates Be Automated?

automatic gate denver

Swing gates can be an excellent addition to anyone’s property. They certainly can improve the quality of your life, making it nicer and easier. With it, you no longer have to open and close your gate manually with a swing gate opener installed. You can operate your gate from the safety and comfort of your car or home.

Swing gates look truly elegant and charming. They open in such a way that the visitors can feel welcome to a property. They can be the perfect choice for those who have a house with a more traditional architecture. Moreover, they usually cost less than slide gates, because they are made with fewer components.

Swing gates are pretty easy to maintain. All you need is lubricate the hinges once in a while and clean the gates constantly. They make practically no noise upon opening and closing, so they are very quiet.

Automated swing gates add more style to a house, making it more valuable to the eyes of potential buyers in case you decide to sell your property in the future. But the question is, can you automate an existing swing gate? The answer is yes, and the automation process is quite easy. Equipping your gate with a gate opener can be a good way to automate it.

Tips for Hiring the Right Denver Gate Company for the Most Advanced Automation Features

Job Done Right Gate Company Rocky Mountain Access Control

Gate automation is a very quickly developing area, with new technologies being developed and launched all the time. This means that if you want an automated gate that is fitted with the most modern features, you will need a specialized technician for the installation, a person who has extensive knowledge and experience in working with advanced automation features. here are some tips about how to find that special person in Denver:

  • Know exactly what you want – before you buy your gate or before you contact an automation specialist for advice, try to figure out the features that you need with your gate. While performing your research, consider aspects related to security, smart integration and operating style. Spend a little time researching brands as well and narrow your search gradually to find the ideal brand.
  • Look for a great company that specializes in the brand of choice or in the most important features that you want with your gate – the best gate companies list the brands and the advanced features that they handle so this part of your research should not be very complicated.
  • Arrange for a personal meeting – meeting contractors face to face for the first time will reveal a lot about their attitude as well as about their knowledge and experience. The personal meeting is a wonderful opportunity to ask your questions and to establish a working relationship, get one set up today at https://www.rmacontrols.com/.

Differences between Slide and Swing Gates – Which is Right for Me?

good better best swing vs slide gate

When it comes to the operating style and the opening direction of modern gates, slide gates and swing gates are the two major categories. While both types are very popular, they are not intended to be installed in the same type of environment, so here are some things that you should know about each of them before you make your choice:

  • The most important difference: the space needed for opening – while slide gates consist of a panel that runs on tracks, swing gates require a certain amount of space in front of or behind the gate to be able to open. In the case of a small or narrow entrance, the best decision is to get a sliding gate, a swing gate being a reasonable option only if the space available around the gate is sufficiently large.
  • The complexity of the operating mechanism – sliding gates run on tracks, which means that they are secured from more than one direction, therefore sliding gate types are generally considered to be a bit more resistant and durable than swinging varieties.
  • Budget – sliding gates require more hardware for the installation, so they might be a bit higher priced than sliding varieties, but the overall price of your gate will be influenced by so many other factors that the direction of the opening is not a decisive one.

The Common Steps for Gate Installation in Denver

gate installation denver technician access control

People may think that installing a gate isn’t something hard to do. And they are right if they follow the general gate installation Denver steps. That means that they have to do things in a certain order to make sure that they get the best results. The first step in a gate installation and access control Denver technicians say is always correctly measuring the available space for the gate. Some people may want a swing gate, but they might not have the space for it. Others might want a sliding gate, but a swinging one would be more space-efficient for them. That’s why it is important to measure the available space correctly. Because based on that, you can correctly determine what kind of gate fits perfectly for you.

The second step in gate installation Denver is to pick out the materials you want your gate made out of. There are many options on the market when it comes to materials. So people have where to choose from. But they also need to know how to choose the right material for their gate. For instance, although a wooden gate has an aesthetic appeal to most, it may not be the best solution for a commercial area. Just like a wrought iron gate may not be the best for a suburban residential area.   

Practical Benefits of Gate Automation

gate opener automation practical benefits

In most cases, in small stores or pharmacies, the staff is in high demand for various operations, so a gate automation system makes life easier for employees, creates a sense of control and security and can prevent the occurrence of problematic situations.

The possibility of remote control of the gate is available with an automatic gate opener solution installed. In addition, the benefits of gate automation are obvious and multiple: high resistance to heavy traffic, reliability over time, compliance with hygiene requirements (considering the absence of handles, surfaces are not so exposed to contact and therefore the risk of contamination with various pathogens is lower). In addition, if the automatic door is also equipped with a breakout system, it acquires an essential role in the evacuation, in the event of a fire.

Among the practical benefits of gate automation, one that is not always clearly highlighted is the possibility to command the gate lock in the closed position, from the inside, without the need for direct intervention. This may be necessary in various situations: when the maximum number of people allowed in that perimeter has been exceeded (see the rules on social distancing and controlled and limited access in confined spaces, during the crisis caused by COVID-19), when staff inside foresees a certain danger, when a break in the workflow is required (for disinfecting the space, resupplying, inventorying etc.).